Sunday, October 3, 2010

Hospital Gift Shop Signs

fashionRIP Project campaign "proACT" was started to help protect the most vulnerable among us, as asthma and allergies surge, taking a few precautions can't hurt.

For a free PDF to post in your local hospital (ask them first, please:-) email debbarnesusa at hotmail dot com with sign as the subject. We need to be active in helping each other, we are all in this together and there is a reason in that!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sim's the medical mannequin

Display for BS in Nursing at Veterans Administration Hospital in collaboration with Seattle Pacific University. The medical simulators are state of the art teaching tools for the field. My client graduated with honors and is now a board memeber for launching the Sim labs at the VA. The PPT of the presentation was color co-ordinated to the poster and images were similar; the presenter wore clothing that matched up as well.